Homepage > 4 Ways To “Sell” Yourself In Your Job Application Without Or Almost Any Experience.
4 Ways To “Sell” Yourself In Your Job Application Without Or Almost Any Experience.

During your job search you may think you have no chances to get a job because you don’t have any professional experience? But you can!

If you present your education background, your personal life and your personality in your job application well, you can get a response. Here are 4 ways to sell yourself in your job application – without or almost any job experience.

1. THE CV:

  • Create a profile summary to stand out

Introduce yourself. Write about your personality, your education background and the position in question you apply for. An example could be: “I am an energetic and ambitious person who has developed a great knowledge in the finance fields through my studies. I hold a Master in Finance and Banking from the Royal University of Law and Economics. I am applying for a position as a banker assistant within your company”.

Your profile summary is the first thing a hiring manager will read. Do it well and you will be noticed!

  • List your skills

Include your skills in your CV. List down relevant skills that match the company’s needs. For example: I am motivated, organised and know how to work independently.

That is a great way to advertise yourself as a top candidate.

  • Highlight your education background

Describe in detail the classes you completed during your studies and include objectives. You can also highlight your marks on subjects that are related to the job you are applying for. An example: If you are looking for a position in Marketing, and you have a high mark in this field, put it on your resume.

  • Include relevant experiences and activities

Talk about your activities during university. For example: if you were a member in an association and you completed an interesting project, write it down!

This can boost your resume as a potential candidate.

A cover letter will give the employer an idea about your personality, your professional writing skills and your goals for your professional career. But most important for the recruiter is: What can you bring to the table? Read the job offer carefully, it will help you to write your cover letter with relevant information for the position.

References value your job application. If you have the opportunity to ask for a recommendation letter from your teachers, your internship supervisors or bosses, send it with your application. It will prove to the hiring manager that you truly are a great candidate (Please, do not ask to your parents!).

Show the hiring manager that you are dedicated. For example: If you apply for a job in marketing and you have a website or a blog: Send the link! If you have experience in Photoshop or Illustrator, show some examples.

Writing a good job application can be time-consuming and challenging. Focus in your application on what the company really needs, and how you can bring it to them. But if you follow these instructions you have already a good chance to score an interview!



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